Rocomamas Menu Calories

Rocomamas Menu Calories

Rocomamas Menu Calories


Rocomamas Menu Calories

Rocomamas Burgers Calories:

Depending on the ingredients and size, Rocomamas burgers Calories are 650 kcal

Rocomamas Ribs Calories:

A serving of ribs can contain around 600 calories, depending on the portion size and sauce.

Rocomamas Wings Calories:

An order of wings usually ranges from 50 to 90 calories or more, influenced by the sauce and quantity.

Rocomamas Desserts Calories (Waffles):

Desserts like waffles tend to have 600 to 1000+ calories, taking into account toppings and serving size.

Rocomamas Drinks Calories:

    • Sodas: A regular serving of soda generally contains around 100 to 200 calories, depending on the size and type.
    • G-Shakes: G-Shakes might range from 300 to 400 calories, varying based on the flavor and size.
    • Juices: Fresh juices can range from 100 to 200 calories, depending on the type and serving size.
    • Red Bull: An 8.4 oz can of Red Bull has about 110 calories.
    • Water: Water contains zero calories.

Rocomamas Salads Calories:

Salads vary widely based on ingredients and dressing, typically containing 200 to 300 calories.

Rocomamas Fries Calories:

Loaded or regular fries often contain 400 to 600 calories, depending on the toppings and serving size.

Rocomamas Bombs Calories:

The calorie count for bombs (presumably alcoholic drinks) can vary significantly, ranging from 500 to 600 calories, depending on ingredients and size.

Please remember that these calorie estimates are approximate and can differ based on specific ingredients, serving sizes, or preparation methods. For accurate nutritional information, it’s best to refer to Rocomamas official nutritional facts or contact them directly.

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